can | could | Will | Would | Shall |
Should | Ought to | Had better | May | Must |
We use 'can' and 'could' and 'be able to' to talk about a skill or ability.
For example:
- He can speak two foreign languages fluently.
- He able to speak two foreign languages fluently.
- He could speak two foreign languages fluently.
- He can't drive he's too tired.
- We can't come now.
- He couldn't dance at all until he took lessons.
- My grandfather couldn't swim.
- He is able to speak very good Turkish. (Present)
- He has able to speak Turkish for ten years. (Present Perfect)
- He was able to speak Turkish when he was a child (Simple Past)
- He will able to speak Turkish in a short time. (Future)
Asking for permission or Request.
Birisinden birşey isterken kullanabileceğimiz bir yapıdır.
- Would you please be quite?
- I would like a cup of coffee
Polite Request with "WOULD YOU MIND":
- Would you mind if I smoked here.
- Would you mind if I played the piano.
NOT1: Would you mind If I + Simple Past Tense (Burada Pst tense kullanılmasına rağmen anlam Present ya da Future dir.
NOT2: Would you mind + doing. ( cümlede ki mind yapısından sonra If I kalıbını kullanırsak sonraki kısım past olarak kullanılır. Eğer kullanılmazsa fiile V+ing takısı uygulanır.
- Would you mind opening the window?
- would you mind lending me your book.
Necessity And Prohibition:
Necessity: Must, Have To, Have Got To.
Bu kalıplar Gereklilik ya da Zorunluluk Belirtirken Kullanılırlar.
- You must study hard to pass the exam.
- You have to study hard to pass the exam.
- You have got to study hard to pass the exam.
Not: Have to kalıbının soru şekli "do" kullanılarak yapılır. Must Soru kalıbında ise Must soru kalıbı olarak kullanılır.
- Do you have to hard to pass exam.
- Must you leave now?
NOT: "Must" ve" Have to" kalıplarını soru şekilleri "don't have to" veya "don't need to" dur.
"Must" ın olumsuz şekli olarak "mustn't" olduğu sanılır fakat "mustn't" "must" ın olumsuzu degildir ve Yasaklama getiren bir yapıdır.
- Do you have to get up early next day.
- NO, I doesn't have to / doesn't need to get up early.
Prohibition : Mustn't
Yasaklama ifade eder.
- You mustn't cross the street when the light is red.
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